Emotional growth through self reflection

I have changed as a person through writing. I surrounded myself with experts and professionals because after a certain point in my circumstances, friends and family were no longer enough to get me the support I truely needed. I know what matters to me and what values I possess and no matter what I faced I truely tried to hold onto those spiritual and nature moments by spending abit more time with mother nature. I truely feel green forestry and gardening helped me.

I went through something difficult and so i used so many coping and grounding skills to help offer virtual solutions. I also see more parents of the view that they would like to spend more time with their children and parents in their elder years because #covid ruined their income, their livelihood and their family.

I provided suicide support for ages absolutely #free of charge but I became burned out. This is why I stayed away from #wordpress. I wanted to see good news so this i why email and talk will only be used for strength based coping strategies and genuinely helping virtual offices #thrive. @figflexoffices in Bristol.

We all want these #Wars to end and the #world to #heal.

You can find me on #social media #facebook and #whatsapp. EMail me nnfoltherapy@gmail.com i you would like to start your journaling with me

@fountainoflight of facebook for personalised social media advice.

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